10 Reasons To Work At MRL
29 Aug, 20175 minutesSo what’s sounds so good about that? Well, no matter the workload, the thrill of a pla...

So what’s sounds so good about that? Well, no matter the workload, the thrill of a placement always outweighs the slog. It takes an entrepreneurial mindset to survive in recruitment, because it is hard work. But hard work has high pay back.
However some companies never address this burn out and recruiters jump from ship to ship looking for the holy grail of an agency that strikes the elusive work-life balance, because there is a world outside of the office.
At MRL, we have a strong employee benefits scheme because we understand that working to death doesn’t do anybody any favours. It’s proven time and time again that relaxed, happy employees are more productive.
So take a look around your current office, check your employee contract and compare it to what we offer, because you might just see that the grass is greener on the other side. And luckily, we’re hiring right now.
1 Pay
What we do is very specialist and takes skill, so when you put in that level of effort, you expect to be rewarded back. And we value that hard work you put in. That’s why we pay a great base salary and offer a commission structure that gives you more in your back pocket.
2 Work-life balance
Work is merely a fraction of our lives, we understand that. There are responsibilities outside the four walls of the office, and you need to be able to juggle it all. That’s why we encourage a work-life balance. Our flexi-time initiative gives you a freedom to work, live and be on top of all of it. All we care about is that you do your contracted hours – how you do that is up to you. On top of this, there is also a standard 25 days off which gives you a lot more time off than other companies, and this grows annually.
3 Health Insurance
If you fall-ill or take a tumble, you want to get better as quickly as possible. So we provide private health care, for you, your spouse and family. Giving you peace of mind that if you, or your nearest and dearest, have any problems they can be seen to quickly and effectively. Additionally we also offer Push Doctor™, giving you instant access to a GP, and there is also a wellness package to look after mental health. The best bit about this, it all starts from day one.
4 Pension
Shockingly, nearly 16m in the UK have less than 100 pounds of savings. We thoroughly encourage putting a bit away for a rainy day, and with your pension being a major part of your life, we contribute 5% of your gross salary towards it.
5 Travel
Being an international company we like to make sure we work as a unit. Listening to each other, sharing expertise and delivering insights gives us more of a connected approach to our business. Because of this co-op of ideas there is opportunity to travel to our European offices. We have our consultants travel between the offices regularly. Furthermore there is an ability to visit shows and clients to advance relations and networks within your sector.
6 Vitality
We want to make sure you’re at your top levels of concentration and comfort. So to keep fuelled we provide fresh fruit throughout the week, good coffee, sparkling water, and a little thing we call Fromage Fridays. There is also a chocolate egg at Easter! But don’t worry you can burn off the chocolate with our treadmill desk. We also have regular work events that are varied and fun, but sometimes we just go to the pub and maybe have a curry.
Also, as they come round but once a year we like to make a fuss with birthdays! Prepare for the whole office to serenade you with a hearty birthday song, you’ll also receive a cake and a whip-around to get you something nice, there is also a bottle of Champagne to make the day extra special and you can even enjoy the day from the comfort of your home – as you get the day off.
7 Bonus
Encouragement is vital to work ethic that is why we incentivize going above and beyond. There are monthly, quarterly and annual prizes to reward the best of the best. And it’s not just for one person, there’s a 2nd & 3rd place too. We also trial new perks and schemes, to help keep things fresh and understand what actually motivates you! Plus if we reach our group annual target, everyone gets the recognition, meaning you collect an extra bonus. It’s that simple.
8 Training
Training is vital for your career, you need to stay sharp and on top of current trends to expand your dexterity of expertise. We regularly put on courses that help hone your skills and improve your ability to do your job effectively. And as long as it relates to recruitment or your sector, other courses will be considered.
9 Sabbatical
This is one of our new ideas, and a unique one! As we mentioned before, burn out is rife in recruitment – and it’s quite common that after five years you start to get ‘the itch’. That’s why we came up with the Sabbatical Project. After five years, you get one month off, fully paid. We also throw in one thousand pounds to give you the opportunity to travel to anywhere in the world. This special perk is something that you’ll find rarely in other large companies, let alone in recruitment.
10 Rolex
The last reason, and one of the best reasons to work at MRL is that we give away a Rolex to any consultant that bills a million pounds. It’s an elite club at MRL and this badge of membership is a true achievement. It’s something to be proud of and you get an incredible watch, that is a keep sake to your achievements for life.