The First Choice for Electrical Contractors - LEDs
20 Sept, 20115 minutesJohn Maisel who published the findings said: “The more we educate [electrica...

John Maisel who published the findings said:
“The more we educate [electrical contractors] on the technology and opportunities in the multibillion dollar LED market that’s growing more than 30 percent per year, the greater value they bring to their customers.”
The reasons behind this shift towards the widespread use of LEDs are numerous: one factor is of course their energy saving properties as people are becoming increasingly aware of the need for energy efficiency – a fact which has been reinforced by the recent ban on the 60 watt traditional incandescent bulb under new EU regulations.
Affordability has always been an issue when it comes to LED technology however as Dan Koeppel writes in Wired Magazine “there’s an excellent reason why LEDs have taken on the aura of inevitability: they are semiconductors, and like all solid-state technology they are getting better and cheaper on a predictable curve.
In 1999, a researcher named Roland Haitz, then head of semiconductor R&D at Hewlett-Packard, co-authoured a paper that became known as “Haitz’s Law”, the lighting industry’s manifesto. By charting the historical prices of LEDs and projecting forward, Haitz estimated that the amount of light that they produced would increase by a factor of 20 per decade, while the cost would drop by a factor of ten. Haitz’s Law has proven remarkably accurate.”