The MRL Guide To Contracting Blogs
12 Jun, 20175 minutesWe also know that sometimes you want something a bit more niche. With the internet b...

We also know that sometimes you want something a bit more niche. With the internet being so ram-jam full of empty articles and inactive sites, it can be hard to find where to get the latest information from. So we have curated what we believe are some of the best articles and educational hubs for the tech contractor division. So get your bookmarks at the ready and have a look at the great niche contractor blogs you should be checking out.
Kofi Annan said:
“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress”
*Please click on any of the titles to visit the blogs
You’ve probably heard of them, but are you checking them? Releasing their first issue in 1966, this now totally online company site has its own blog section from both editors and technology professionals. You’ll find articles debating some of the big topical issues of the day from people like David Lacey, Cliff Saran, Karl Flinders, Adrian Bridgwater and Caroline Baldwin. Recent subjects have covered cyber security, female coders and the digital manifesto.
Dave Chaplin, CEO of ContractorCalculator, started working in the City of London in 1994 and became a career tech contractor in 1997. He has consulted for blue-chip firms including Cable & Wireless, Merrill Lynch, HSBC, and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer. In 1999 he set up ContractorCalculator but in 2005, after eight years contracting, he left to focus full time on the project. He writes a regular blog focusing on issues relating to contracting including tax, employment rights and the gig economy.
You might know them as The Professional Contractor’s Group/PCG but in 2014 they became known as The Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed/IPSE. Founded in 1999 they set out “to provide independent contractors and consultants with a representative voice in opposition to the original IR35 proposals.” They now boost a representation of 22,000 contractors and aim to be the voice for the estimated 4.8M within the UK. Their news section gives opinion and analysis on legislation affecting contractors as well as lobbying efforts on behalf of the contractor community.
Their slogan is “everything for the successful contractor” and it’s pretty much that! It is a site aimed specifically for IT career contractors. It been online since 1999, offering daily news & features, comment, with over 6,900 articles. As a great added bonus there is a very active forum with 20,000+ members – giving you a great site for networking and peer to peer discussion. Contractor UK also offers a whole host of guides and aids from: first timers, how to do contracts, job news, VAT, CV writing you name it!
This is a must visit hub for those of you who have a career in contracting internationally. This blog covers what it’s like to work in different countries; the tax implications you really need to know and what legislation you should be aware of.
All you need to know about operating as a career contractor from setting up a personal services company to getting paid. There are a number of useful guides about living and working as a contractor while its blog and news section keeps contractors up to date on the latest updates on issues such as taxation and payment models.
And of course don’t forget to check back here to read our other blogs. And for contracting career opportunities take a look at our latest vacancies.